
Sunday, August 31, 2014

Do nutritional supplements really work?

From FM Net News: Several different energy producing and antioxidant supplements might be beneficial for reducing the symptoms of fibromyalgia, according to research published over the past few months.

Creatine and Co-EnzymeQ10 (Co-Q10) help provide fuel to your cells. More importantly, Co-Q10 helps power up your energy factories, your mitochondria, to produce more fuel. However, additional research shows that the mitochondria in fibro patients might be under attack from molecules causing oxidative stress, which can damage cells in your cardiovascular system, your brain, or other tissues in the body. Here is where fat-soluble antioxidants such as omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E might be beneficial.

While the various research studies are promising, the Fibromyalgia Network wants to know if any of the supplements have brought about significant improvements in the way you feel. We are interested in finding out whether you have tried any of these and related supplements in the past year and what improvements in symptoms (if any) they provided.

For the most part, these supplements have little or no side effects and are reasonably inexpensive. We understand that budgets are spread thin and would like to determine which supplements are most cost effective. Results of .